Wednesday, February 9, 2011

sequence of invasions

Just as a refresher for everyone, the allies/fighting sequence is as follows:

0. If England is being attacked, he may pay danegeld to halt the attack.

1. Player A, whose turn it is, asks for allies to attack Player B, with whom he is at war

2. Other players may promise contingents to help Player A
2.a. Players that have already attacked or started a new siege with their field army this turn cannot send contingents.
2.b. If a player who has not yet had his turn promises a contingent, even if no battle results, his field army cannot attack or begin a new siege in this turn.
2.c. Tributaries of Player A must comply if they can.

3. Player A decides if he wants to make the attack, given responses to #2.

4. If Player A makes the attack, Player B may ask for allies.
4.a. Players that have already attacked or started a new siege with their field army this turn cannot send contingents.
4.b. If a player who has not yet had his turn promises a contingent, even if no battle results, his field army cannot attack or begin a new siege in this turn.
4.c. Tributaries of Player B must comply if they can.

5. Player B decides what to do next
5.a. fight a field battle (to include moving up his army if it is not present)
5.b. stand siege (to include moving up his field army if it is not present or moving it away if it is)

The battle or siege is then resolved.

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